Thursday, October 27, 2016

Hierarchy in Creativity.

One thing about creativity is certain. The literature about creativity keeps growing.

Organisations  of late have been focusing lot on innovation led growth and this has brought some dignity to 'creative' 'ideas' type in corporate world-which rewards execution over ideation. (Mindless execution and boss worshiping ,both variants of blind faith, are passports to title ladder)  . Why do we have to create hierarchy and place one below the other.  (Side effects of modern employment) Why is ideation inferior to execution. Why is execution superior to ideation.Why be so judgemental? Making art with Your hands is as important as balanced nutrition, exercise, productive work and relationships. Writing creative work, proposal is bliss.

 Mindfulness, Creativity has become 'positioning messages' for brands. They make good headline for brands (Sample this : Microsoft introduces Windows 10 update with Creative focus) . Lately, increase in positive psychology has created 'mindfulness' as ultimate celebration and companies like Uber using it in their annual report.  In India, Shree Cements used 'Happiness' as theme in their annual report (inspired by my Ph.d guide and fellow researcher developing Happiness Scale).

Ten Habits of Highly Creative People

Link to interesting article above.

Here is self test to determine how creative You are.

Scoring method: Count the number of times You respond with  'Yes' to questions below.  Thats Your creativity score.

  1.  You have Mind that never slows down. 
  2.  You Challenge the status quo more than others in peer network. 
  3. You choose to be authentic than popular. 
  4. You Create in cycles.
  5.  You Need time to feed Your souls.
  6.  You Need space to create. 
  7. You  focus intensely. 
  8. You Feel deeply
  9. You  live at edge of joy and depression.
  10. You battle resistance each day. 
  11. You take work personally.
  12.  You wonder at times if You are creative enough.  
  13. You are deeply intutive
  14. You Use procrastination as tool
  15. You  Experience the rush of challenge . 
  16. You are addicted to the thrill of creative flow.  
  17. You experience  'flow state' as the most addictive experience in world. 
  18. They have difficulty finishing projects. 
  19. The see patterns faster than others. 

Sunday, September 18, 2016

The Dance of Chance -- a new Galton Machine

Reproduced here from my LinkedIn post 

Tribute to Sir Francis Galton and The Dance of Chance -- a new Galton Machine, 

The Galton Machine was invented by Sir Francis Galton in 19th century (1894). It demonstrates the binomial and normal distribution represented by Bell Curve or Gaussian Curve.  Sir Galton was most  curious mind of nineteenth century.  He was explorer, geographer, meteorologist, geneticist, psychologist and eugenicist, but his most outstanding quality was 'empiricism' , his passion to count and quantify everything and reduce it to statistics, e.g. computing the additional years of life enjoyed by the Royal Family and the clergy because of the prayers offered up for them (the surprising result being a negative number), or correlating the number of a painter‟s brush strokes needed for a portrait (approx. 20.000) with the hand movements that went into the knitting of a pair of socks (Pearson, 1930). Galton introduced new statistical concepts like regression and correlation to analyze the large amounts of data he accumulated (Obituary, 1911; Forrest,1974; Gillham, 2001). He also introduced  the idea of the percentiles as a criterion for the measurement of the distribution of quantitative parameters (Enciclopedia Italiana, 1950).

Galton was one of the pioneers to mappingmethods.  He developed "beauty map"
of British Isles, based on how many pretty women he countered, (giving London the highest score and Aberdeen the lowest.)  Today Galton‟s “beauty-map” is still a relevant  topic , evidenced in  study done by Swami & Hernandez (2008) who compiled a more empirical beauty-map of London. They investigated  association between wealth and attractiveness, and compared their findings to
Galton‟s original beauty-map.

Galton Machine: 

Lets start with video, please check following link to visualise Galton Machine

binomial distribution formula

You will see that as ball falls, it will hit pin and thereafter bounce on left or right. If there are N rows of pins, then ball bounces N times and finally enter bin at bottom (that represents 9 sigma).  The position of the bin into which ball falls has binomial distribution. You will notice how most balls fall into central, evidence that most things have tendency to  'regress to mediocrity'.

The binomial distribution of balls can be represented through equation.

  • x is the bin position e.g. x=0 could be treated as the left-most bin, and x=N could be treated as the right-most bin.
  • P is the probability of x
  • p is the probability of bouncing right (if x=0 represents the left-most bin).   In an unbiased machine: = 0.5.
  • N is the number of rows of pins i.e. the number of times a ball bounces.
Number of bins should be N+1
If the number of rows of pins is large enough, this would approximate a normal distribution due to the central limit theorem.

IFA is working on option pricing algorithm , has developed Probability machine (named Sir Francis) comparing stock prices to randomness of balls dropping through the quincunx pattern.

Medina et el use Galton Machine to show main concepts of Markovian-Stochastic motion of only one particle.

  1. M. Nuñez, A. L. Villa, C. A. Vargas, A. Medina, "Stochastic Trajectories of Beads in the Galton-Board", Applied Mechanics and Materials, Vols. 110-116, pp. 299-309, 2012
  2. Swami, V. & G. Hernandeza, E. (2010). A beauty-map of London: Ratings of the physical attractiveness of women and men in London‟s boroughs. Personality and Individual Differences, 45, 361366
  3. Wikipedia (2010), 
  5. (excellent 15 minute video on Binomial distribution) 
  6. Obituary (1911). Sir Francis Galton D.C.L. D.Sc F.R.S. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, Vol. 74, 3, 314-320
  7. Obituary: Sir Francis Galton, F. R. S. (1911a). The Geographical Journal, 37, 3, 323-325
  8. Gillham, NW. (2001). A Life of Sir Francis Galton: From African Exploration to the Birth of Eugenics. New York: Oxford University Press. 416pp. 
  9. Galton 2011 revisited: A bibliometric journey in the footprints of a universal genius
    Juan Gorraiz*, Christian Gumpenberger and Martin Wieland

Sunday, February 28, 2016

Vishnusahastra Namah as 'dimensions of Krishna Bhakti'
My point of view on verse 41, 'Karanam kaaranam karta vikarta gahano guhah'. 
Karanam Kaaranam=Creator of reason of doing (creator of motivation)
Kaaranam: reason of doing (motivation)
Gahano Guhah= Destroyer/slay
This is five- modal model. How many of us can work in all five stages? 
Working with awareness that one is working at specific stage is dimension of Krishna Bhakti.